About St. Johns Area Community Fund
Founded in 2009 by a committee of dedicated citizens, 49 charter members contributed $14,700 to initiate the St. Johns Area Community Fund. The Fund has since grown to more than $750,000.
The ongoing mission of the Fund, is to support initiatives, programs and projects to improve and promote the quality of life in the St. Johns Area, which is roughly equivalent to the boundaries of the St. Johns Public School District. (Learn more about how grant funds have been used and grant application guidelines here.)
Currently, the volunteer board of directors consists of 13 members from the community plus one high school student. Governed by a set of bylaws, directors serve no more than three consecutive 3-year terms. Student members serve one year.
Edward Jackson, Chairperson
Kate Upton, Vice Chairperson
Meredith Goodman, Secretary
Jeffrey Nobis, Treasurer
Amy Barrett
Zach Abraham
Dana Beaman
Jessica Koenigsknecht
Eddie Peters IV
Scott Purtill
Marcia Peterson
Jesse Truitt
Rachael Jackson, Student Member
St. Johns Area Community Fund is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit Organization
St. Johns Area Community Fund
St. Johns, MI 48879
Email: info@sjacf.com • 989-224-7823